Least adder's-tongue fern
Wild Wingletang
The least adder’s-tongue fern is a tiny, low-lying fern with miniature leaves that appear in autumn and last through to early spring. It is found on one site on Scilly.
The fern itself reaches 2cm in height and gets its name from its resemblance to a snake tongue. To get a good look at this miniature plant, you would need to crouch down and carefully scan the sparse grass for its small, slightly rounded leaves, which appear no larger than your fingernail. It is with a sense of achievement, and perhaps a bit of relief, when the tooth-like fern is found standing proudly out the peaty soil, as though it knows it is one of Scilly’s most elusive species.
The fern requires a warm winter environment with south-facing, unshaded soil, making Scilly the perfect place for it to thrive. However, the species is at risk from competing grasses such as gorse and bramble, which are being carefully monitored and maintained to allow more area for this extraordinary little fern to grow.
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The Isles of Scilly is home to some rare and beautiful flora. Here are some of the other species you might see around the islands in the spring and summer...