How we are funded
Our funding
The Trust gets no funding as of right. We are England’s smallest Wildlife Trust. It is individual donations and grants that enables us to do all we do to keep Scilly special. The huge areas of land which we manage are all on a long-term tenancy from the Duchy of Cornwall, for which we pay a single daffodil a year (if demanded!) but at present we get no regular support from the Duchy. We are the delivery partner for the Isles of Scilly National Landscape (previously konwn as AONB), which supports a wealth of our work around the islands to take action for wildlife, provide public access and look after much of Scilly’s rich archaeology.
We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and are members of the Institute of Fundraising which shows our commitment to support the Code of Fundraising Practice in all of our fundraising activity alongside our Fundraising Promise. We also have a Fundraising Complaints Procedure.
You can support our work in lots of ways. Every donation we get helps us to carry out vital conservation work, protect Scilly's special species and provide more people with access to Scilly's landscapes.
Duchy of Cornwall
We lease 2,000 hectares of land from the Duchy of Cornwall on a 99-year, fully insuring and repairing tenancy. The Trust does not pay rent on the lease and is not linked constitutionally to the Duchy of Cornwall. We are a tenant, similar to any other farm/land tenant in Scilly, Cornwall or anywhere else on its extensive UK landholding. The tenancy restricts the Trust's use of the land to nature conservation activities and general public access as long as it does not negatively affect the nature conservation activities and value of the land.