A sub-tropical island paradise
The island of Tresco offers a variety of different habitats, ranging from bare, open heathland in the north and sub-tropical beaches in the south. It also boasts wetlands and lakes that support a unique ecosystem of wildlife, along with sheltered bulb fields. Tresco is privately owned and managed by Tresco Estate, and we are delighted to partner with Tresco Estate for the benefit of wildlife across the archipelago.
At the northern end of Tresco lies an exposed coastline and sprawling heathland, Castle Down. The area of heathland above is good for Manx shearwaters, however the presence of rats has made breeding difficult for them. In the spring and autumn, the heathland is a good spot to see migrant birds like dotterel and golden plover. This area contrasts the shelter and serenity of the rest of the island and is recognisable across the archipelago for the iconic Cromwell's Castle that stands proudly in Tresco Channel.
As you head south down the islands, you can explore areas like Pool Road and the Great Pool, one of two pools on Tresco. The road is an excellent spot to see small woodland birds, including warblers, finches and tits, and is a magnet for rarer species. In recent years, star species have included a black-and-white warbler and a hermit thrush, both from America. The pool itself, which boasts two bird hides, is particularly good for observing wintering wildfowl, including ducks and swans, and migrant waders during August, with recent sightings including a lesser yellowlegs. Another, smaller wetland, the Abbey Pool, also turns up a good selection of wildfowl and wading birds.
The presence of the Abbey Gardens has had an interesting effect on the southern areas of the island. Nestled in the sandy dunes that shoulder snaking paths, it is possible to see a large number of non-native plants growing, thriving in the wild after escaping from the gardens.
Tresco is also home to some spectacular beaches, including the shallow sands of Pentle Bay, which forms part of a wider SSSI complex including Merrick and Round Islands. This channel is popular with smaller wading birds, gulls and, further out in winter, divers, grebes and sea duck.
Wild places to explore on Tresco
Explore these special places for wildlife on Tresco