Delivery partners
Making space for nature on Scilly
We are lucky to work with a range of stakeholders and as part of local partnerships to benefit nature on the Isles of Scilly. Find out about our core delivery partners below and how they are working to Keep Scilly Special, for nature and people.
Duchy of Cornwall
The Wildlife Trust has a 99-year tenancy with the Duchy of Cornwall. This covers almost half of the area of land above the high water mark in Scilly, and about two-thirds of the area of the islands exposed at the lowest spring tides. Our annual rent is one daffodil – if demanded (peppercorns are in short supply in Scilly). We are the Duchy’s second biggest tenant, with only the Ministry of Defence managing more Duchy land. The Trust works closely with the Duchy in a range of ways. We are represented together on the partnerships which look to secure a sustainable future for Scilly. We are also exploring how we can tighten our strategic relationship, given that the Isles of Scilly are such a distinct and evocative part of the Duchy’s disparate estate, and given the very close alignment between the Trust and the Duchy’s corporate values.
Islands’ Partnership
The Islands' Partnership (IP) is the destination management organisation responsible for marketing the Isles of Scilly and for managing the Visit Isles of Scilly brand and marketing the organisation. IP is a non-profit making company that is limited by guarantee, funded entirely by membership subscriptions together with some corporate sponsorship. They also manage the Tourist Information Centre on St Mary's.
As members, we work closely work with the Islands' Partnership to promote sustainable tourism, wildlife experiences and responsible activities across the archipelago. We partner on events and activities, press work and communications to help visitors to the islands experience local nature and our beautiful landscapes.
Community Archaeology Group
The Isles of Scilly Community Archaeology Group is an informal group of local people who carry out practical archaeological clearance work around the islands. Supported by the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust, the group meets each month and welcomes visitors to help at events.
St Agnes Boating
Each year St Agnes Boating and the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust team up to give residents and visitors fantastic wildlife experiences across the Islands. In addition, St Agnes Boating make regular donations to the Trust from the sale of Wildlife Safari tickets and also support us in carrying out beach cleans. St Agnes Boating are always striving to carry out an essential service whilst minimising their impact on the natural world and our environment.
St Agnes & Gugh Seabird Heritage Volunteers
At the end of the Seabird Recovery Project, the community of St Agnes remained committed to ensuring that the island remained rat-free. The Seabird Heritage Volunteers who do this are supported by the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and the RSPB.
Isles of Scilly Inshore Fisheries & Conservation Authority (IFCA)
The Isles of Scilly IFCA is responsible for the management of fisheries and fisheries activities in Marine Protected Areas to a distance of six nautical miles. Almost all the fishing in the Isles of Scilly takes place between March and November. During the season, they carry out patrols to ensure that they continue to achieve high levels of compliance amongst the local fishing fleet.
They also keep a close eye on vessels that are fishing further out and close to our boundary, to ensure that anyone fishing inside our district meets the regulations set out in our local byelaws.
They develop and collaborate in scientific research projects which are used to keep an eye on changes which are taking place within protected areas and the wider seas. They are currently running projects in conjunction with Plymouth and Exeter universities working alongside our local fishermen gathering data on shellfish.
The Trust attends IFCA meetings as an observer and we work in partnership to raise awareness of marine conservation.
Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Nature Partnership
We are an active member of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Nature Partnership (LNP). The LNP works to coordinate action for wildlife, overcome obstacles and seek funding.
Isles of Scilly Community Venture
Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust are supporting the Isles of Scilly Community Venture (https://www.ioscv.co.uk/) and other partners to develop a Community Research Network, supported by UK Research & Innovation and The Young Foundation. We are hoping this will lead to long-term funding for research which is relevant to all of us in Scilly, and helps ensure the viability and sustainability of our islands. There’s so much to understand about local wildlife and how it can cope with the pressures it faces.
To hear more about the Isles of Scilly Community Research Network, please visit our website.