Spring squill
Bird Flu on the Isles of Scilly, Spring 2023
In August, 2022 Avian Influenza was confirmed on the Isles of Scilly. It was a tough time for everyone on Scilly. The team at the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust did their best to limit the risk of…
Winter on Scilly
Upland spring, flush and fen
These tiny habitats, the source of our streams and rivers, are fundamental to the well-being of whole water catchments.
Scilly Billy
Scilly's seaweeds
A rockpool can match any garden in wildness and rugged beauty. The seashore itself is a rich, vibrant jungle of life, home to thousands of creatures and plants that make up our spectacular marine…
Scilly's species
Scilly’s Summer Spectacles
Scilly transforms into an otherworldly paradise during the months of summer, making it a great time to experience a variety of interesting wildlife. From blossoming chamomile to migrating…
Saving water on Scilly - FAQs and how to help
With the prolonged period of dry and hot weather this summer, water supplies across Scilly are running low. South West Water are now encouraging water-saving measures across the islands, to help…
Scilly’s Comic Book Kid is a ‘hero’ for local wildlife
A local school child has smashed expectations by raising an impressive £2,215.49 for the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust. Ted Richards, who is just seven years old, wrote and illustrated his own…